Onosma graeca

Onosma graeca

 Ada şincarı

Biennial. Stem single , 30-40 cm, erect or ascending, much branched, clothed throughout with long slender patent setae on minute tubercles, pubescent. Basal leaves to 100 x 10-12 mm, linear-lanceolate to linear-oblong, whitish, subsessile, subacute to obtuse; cauline much smaller, to 40 mm, oblong, usually obtuse, sessile, broad at base. Inflorescence of numerous cymes, scorpioid at first, becoming straight and elongated. Bracts oblong-cordate, obtuse, shorter than calyx. Pedicels to 3 mm in fruit. Calyx c. 12 mm in flower, 15-16 mm in fruit, lobes linear, acute to obtuse. Corolla pale yellowish at first, becoming violet, 12-13 mm, subcylindrical, glabrous. Anthers included or sterile tips very shortly exserted. Nutlets c. 6 mm, with broad shoulders, beaked, sharply keeled on ventral and upper part of dorsal surface, minutely rugose and tuberculate. Fl. 7. Stony places, limestone slopes, nr s.l. -700 m.
S. Greece, Aegean Islands. E. Medit. element.
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