Onosma taurica


Onosma taurica


Perennial, caespitose. Stems 12-25 cm, usually simple, covered with quite long hairs usually arising from stellate-hairy tubercles, shortly hairy. Leaves adpressed-setose and shortly hairy, often whitish; basal 25-60 mm, gradually tapering into a rather long petiole; cauline linear-lanceolate. to linear-oblong, obtuse, uppermost sessile. Inflorescence of 1-2 terminal cymes, straightened and elongated in fruit. Bracts usually shorter than calyx. Pedicels 0-1·5 mm. Calyx 12-13 mm, scarcely accrescent in fruit, lobes linear, adpressed- to subpatent setose. Corolla white, cream or yellow, 22-25 mm, campanulate, gradually tapering towards base, glabrous. Anthers included, much shorter than filaments. Nutlets· c. 2·5 mm, bipyramidate, dorsal keel indistinct, with short acute beak, brownish.
1. Basal leaves 2-3 mm wide, linear-spathulate, usually obtuse; plant to 20 cm var. brevifolium
1. Basal leaves 3-7 mm wide, spathulate to linear-lanceolate, acute; plant 12-25 cm var. tauricum
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