Symphytum sylvaticum
Symphytum sylvaticum
Sin: Symphytum longipetiolatum
Perennial with stout rhizome, stem 25-50 cm, hispid. Leaves broadly ovate, asperous, cordate, lower long-petiolate, upper subsessile, attenuate. Flowers 15-18. Calyx 5·5-6 mm, accrescent to 10 mm in fruit, divided at least to ¾ , lobes linear-lanceolate, obtuse. Corolla pink or blue, 11-12 mm, scales 4-5 mm, lanceolate, subacute, exceeding stamens by 1-2 mm. Nutlets 3 mm, curved, areolate, minutely tuberculate. FI. 5. Meadows and by stream with Alnus, Corylus, Fagus and Ulmus, 1000-1600 m.
Endemic. Euxine element. Intermediate between S. asperum, which it resembles in floral characters, and S. ibericum.