Aethionema diastrophis


Aethionema diastrophis


Yamaç çantası
Many-stemmed, erect perennial with simple or branched flowering stems, 15-25 cm. Leaves oblong-linear, 6-12 mm, sessile, more or less evenly distributed up the stem. Petals pale pink, 3,5-4 x 2 mm, 3-nerved at base. Filaments neither connate nor dentate, dilated at base; anthers apiculate. Inflorescence elongating in fruit. Ovary bilocular, 1 ovule in each loculus. Fruiting pedicels erect or recurved, 3-4 mm. Siliculae cymbiform, ovate, cordate below, 6-7 x 5 mm; wings 1-2 mm, irregularly dentate to ½  or the whole depth of wings; sinus 1-1,5 mm; style 0,5 mm with c. 1 mm adnate to wings. Seeds 2 , not mucilaginous. Fl. 4-6. Rocky slopes.
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