Camelina rumelica
Camelina rumelica
Annual 20-60 cm, single-stemmed or branched from base, scabrid below with a thickish indumentum of simple long white hairs, subglabrous in region of inflorescence. Basal leaves ± rosette-forming, oblong to lanceolate, entire or irregularly toothed. Cauline leaves oblong, acute, irregularly toothed, with acute triangular auricles. Sepals with long simple hairs. Petals yellowish-white, oblong-spathulate, 6-7 x 1,5-2 mm, scarcely clawed. Fruiting pedicels 7-22 mm, horizontally spreading. Fruit obovate, 6-8 x 4-5 mm, style 2-3 mm. Seeds 18-20. Fl. 3-5. Stony slopes and cultivated places, vineyards, 300-1100 m.
S. & C. Europe, Crimea, Caucasia, W. Syria, W. & C. Iran, Afghanistan.