Conringia clavata
Conringia clavata
Sin: Conringia perfoliata
Small annual, 4-20 cm, simple-stemmed or branched from base. Basal leaves obovate, shortly petiolate, very small. Stem leaves sub-orbicular, round at apex, cordate-amplexicaul at base, often with violet margins or tinged violet. Pedicels c. 2.5 mm, thickening to 1.5 mm broad in fruit. Sepals purple; inner saccate, oblong, outer linear. Petals 11 x 2-2.5 mm, pale yellow, veined with purple or not, with a long claw. Stamens more or less equal.Stigma bilobed with carpidial lobes. Siliqua erect or erect-spreading, sub-terete, 4-7.5 cm x 1-1.5 mm with a characteristic club-shaped apex and small stigma; valves with i prominent and several inconspicuous nerves. Seeds brownish yellow, papillose. Cotyledons incumbent or obliquely incumbent. Fl. 3-5. Cultivated land, roadside, stony slopes, 600-1300 m.
Caucasia, W. Syria. N. Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan & Turkestan.