Draba heterocoma

Draba heterocoma

 Tüylü dolama

Syn: D.bruniifolia var heterocoma
Cushion or mat-forming perennial. Scapes 1-8 cm, densely villous to glabrous. Leaves linear, rigid, with pectinate-ciliate margins, and the surface glabrous, or with an indumentum of simple or small stellate hairs. Petals bright yellow. Ovary with 4-10 ovules. Siliculae ovoid, 3,5-6 x 2,5-3,5 mm, hairy. Style 0,3-0,75 mm; Fl. 3-7. A very polymorphic species, which may be further divided:
1. Scape glabrous
  2. Fruit indumentum of long, simple hairs
    3. Inflorescence 3-8-flowered, conferted in fruit .....................subsp. archipelagi
    3. Inflorescence 7-many-flowered, elongate in fruit ..................subsp. heterocoma
3a. Leaves with hairs on the margin only, all simple ...................var. heterocoma 
3a. Leaves with hairs on the lamina as well as on the margin, some branched ............var. nana 
   2. Fruit with an indumentum of short, crisped hairs .......................subsp. kurdica
1. Scape villose.....
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