Erysimum purpureum
Erysimum purpureum
Pembe zarife
Perennial herb. Stems ascending-erect, up to 30 cm, rather woody below, canescent, with an indumentum of 2-fid hairs. Leaves linear to narrowly oblanceolate, subentire or obscurely dentate, canescent, with an indumentum of 2-fid hairs. Sepals 5-6 mm. Petals violet, 12 mm. Siliquae ± tetragonal, canescent with an indumentum of bifid hairs, 25-30 mm. Style tapering, c. 4 mm. Stigma bifid. Fl. 5. Rocky slopes, up to 1300 m.
W. Syria. Ir.-Tur. element.