Hesperis anatolica

 Hesperis anatolica

Ana akşamyıldızı

Biennial herb; roots thickened, 2.5–6 mm diam.; stems ascending, 25–40 cm, generally purplish below and greenish above, sometimes entirely purplish, often solitary or rarely 2, richly branched at base, terete, smooth, 2–7 mm diam. below, pubescent with densely stalked short glandular and sometimes a few long simple hairs below, 1.7–2.2 mm. Leaves crowded on lower and middle stems, semifleshy, partly purplish especially in lower leaves; basal leaves spatulate to lyrate, 4–10 x 1–2 cm , remotely denticulate, rarely undulate, irregularly coarsely toothed below, terminal segments 6 circular; petiole 1.5–3 cm, sharply narrower at base, 6 obtuse, all with main midrib conspicuous, purplish, with indumentum of mostly stalked glandular hairs, sparsely simple and bifurcate hairs, and bifurcate hairs especially at margin; cauline leaves acropetally decreasing, indumentum similar to basal leaves, sometimes bifurcate hairs absent; middle cauline leaves spatulate, lyrate, or broadly oblong, petiolate, mostly suddenly narrowed into petiole, sinuate, remotely denticulate to coarsely toothed below, obtuse or 6 acute; upper cauline leaves broadly ovate to oblanceolate, short petiolate or sessile, somewhat cordate, sinuate or irregularly denticulate, obtuse or 6 acute. Inflorescence a raceme, branches ascending, 20–30 x 15–20 cm; pedicels ascending at flowering, deflexed immediately after anthesis, slender, 3–4 mm at anthesis, elongating to 7 mm in fruit, with glandular hairs. Flowers ebracteate; sepals pinkish to violet, somewhat greenish below, oblong, deciduous, with 6 to 9 veins, 6–8 x 2–2.8 mm, with short glandular hairs, long simple hairs on tips, rarely a few bifurcate hairs, with membranous margins, inner sepals strongly saccate. Petals spatulate to obovate, 13–17.5  x 4.3–6 mm, pinkish to violet, veins inconspicuous; limb obovate to orbicular, suddenly narrower into the claw, 5.5–8. 3 x 4.3–6 mm, obtuse, mostly horizontal, and rarely slightly deflexed; claw 7–10 x ca. 1.7 mm, claw clearly exserted from sepal; outer filaments not dilated at base, 2.8–3.1 mm, inner filaments dilated at base, 4.4–5.1 mm, whitish or 6 pinkish; anthers all fertile, 6 linear, 2–2.6 mm, yellowish or greenish, basifixed; stigma with 2 obtuse, decurrent carpidial lobes; ovary often with hairs. Fruiting pedicels slightly thickened, 0.7–1.1 mm diam.; fruits 55–90 x 1.8–3.1 mm, terete, dehiscent, somewhat indehiscent on tips, slightly torulose, straight or slightly curved, pendulous, pubescent stalked glandular and very rarely a few long simple hairs, greenish to yellowish, or partly purplish; valves slightly broader than septum; septum membranous at seed, semimembranous or 6 spongiose elsewhere, with invisible median veins; seeds brown, 3.4–4 x 1–1.4 mm, 2 to 14 in number.


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