Lepidium cartilagineum

Lepidium cartilagineum

 Ssp caespitosum: Yatık tere; Ssp cartilagineum: Kerdeme; Ssp crassifolium: Meşin teresi

Perennial, 5-30 cm, much branched, stems spreading, ascending or erect, glabrous below, sparsely pubescent above. Petiolar remains present at base of stem. Basal leaves long-petiolate, elliptic, ovate-lanceolate or linear-lanceolate. Cauline leaves auriculate or not. Petals 2-4 x 1-2 mm. Fruiting racemes 1.5-3 cm long. Fruiting pedicels c. 5 mm long, thick. Siliculae ovate, 2.5-3 x 2.5-3 mm.
 1. Leaves linear-lanceolate; cauline leaves without auricles; plant usually less than 15 cm  subsp. cartilagineum 
 1. Leaves broadly ovate or elliptic; cauline leaves with auricles; plant usually more than 20 cm  subsp. crassifolium 
Ssp caespitosum
Perennial herb, 7-12 cm, erect, glabrous or with scattered papillae in region of inflorescence, usually many-stemmed, petiolar remains present at base of stem, underground part often swollen. Basal leaves long-petiolate, mostly on non-flowering shoots. Cauline leaves not auriculate. Flowering and fruiting racemes ± short. Petals 4-5 x 1,5-2 mm. Fruiting pedicels 5-6 mm. Siliculae ovate, 2,5-3,5 x 2,5-3 mm. Fl. 5-6. Salt marsh and steppe, 900-1300 m.
Endemic; Ir.-Tur. element.