Jasione supina

Jasione supina

 Ssp akmanii: Bolu gökçesi; Ssp pontica: Ancer gökçesiSsp supina: Yayla gökçesi; Ssp tmolea: Bozdağ gökçesi

Perennial, ± caespitose, with-numerous procumbent or ascending stems, hairy to 5-10 cm from base, glabrous above. Basal leaves oblong, spathulate, ± obtuse, ciliate at base, 10-15 x 2.5-4 mm. Cauline leaves ovate-lanceolate, sessile. Involucral bracts ± ovate-lanceolate, acuminate to obtuse, entire or dentate, glabrous on the inner side or with a few short hairs. Capitula 10 mm diam. Calyx lobes linear-lanceolate.
1. Calyx lobes 1-1.5 mm, small, triangular-linear, violet throughout or only at apex
   2. Involucral bracts dentate ............................................................................subsp. pontica 
   2. Involucral bracts entire................................................................................ subsp. akmanii 
1. Calyx lobes 1.5-3 mm, ovate-Ianceolate, green
3. Calyx lobes 2-3 mm; outer involucral bracts usually broad, dentate,glabrous on inner side ....subsp. supina 
3. Calyx lobes 1.5-2 mm; outer involucral bracts narrow, ovate-elliptic, subentire, with few short hairs on inner side ..........subsp. tmolea
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