Cephalaria setosa


Cephalaria setosa


Zivan pelemiri
Annual with slender ridged setose or glabrescent stems up to 50 cm. Lower leaves lyrate to pinnatisect, segments ovate, serrate; upper leaves pinnatisect with lanceolate-elliptic segments, usually entire. Capitula 0,5-1,5 cm diam., ovoid; flowers white or cream. Involucral bracts ovate, acute to apiculate; receptacular bracts oblong, with apical awn, glabrous or puberulent, shortly ciliate. Involucel hairy with 4 long and 4. short apical teeth. Calyx cupuliform with c. 8 setae. Fl. 6-8. Banks, gravelly and stony places, 900-2800 m.
N. Iraq, W. Syria, W. Iran. Ir.-Tur. element.
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