Valerianella costata

Valerianella costata

Maki kuzugevreği

Height 7-15 cm, basal leaves usually withered in fruit. Leaves 1,5-3,5 x 0,1-0,7 mm, entire or sinuate-dentate at most. Inflorescence ± globose. Lowermost bracts herbaceous, c. 5 x 1,5 mm, oblong-elliptic, free; upper bracts much smaller, membranous and with mid-nerve, webbed. Flowers bluish, lilac or pinkish. Calyx absent. Fruit papillose, c. 2 x 1,5 mm; some axillary fruits present. Fl. 4-5. Rocky slopes, macchie, 300-1600 m.

Greece, Italy, Algeria, European Russia. Medit. element.

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