Valerianella dufresnia


Valerianella dufresnia


Acı kuzugevreği
Height 3-10 cm, basal leaves often present in early fruit at least. Leaves usually largest in the middle of the stem, entire to sinuate-dentate or occasionally sparsely toothed, ± elliptic, 15-55 x 9-15 mm. Inflorescence ± globose. Bracts ovate to elliptic, ± glabrous and herbaceous, 3-5 x c. 1mm, free. Flowers white, sometimes pinkish. Fruit 6-10 mm overall, the calyx lobes usually 3, spreading up to 10 mm, suborbicular, reticulately veined and with serrate margins, ovary width c. 3 mm. FI. 5-6. Rocky slopes, cornfields, 950-1850 m.
Syrian Desert, N., C. & W. Iran, Iraq, Soviet Armenia, W. Pakistan, Afghanistan, C. Asia. Ir.-Tur. region.
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