Arenaria balansae

Arenaria balansae

Yayla kumotu

Glandular-pubescent or occasionally entirely glabrous McNeill), spreading, often mat-forming perennial. Leaves elliptic, 1½-2½ x longer than broad, obtuse, cuneate, without long hairs on the margin. Inflorescence 1-3-flowered, terminal and lateral by development of an axillary branch. Sepals 3.5-4.5 mm, ovate, acute, as long as or shorter than petals. Capsule narrowly ovoid, longer than calyx. Seeds 0.65-0.75 mm, rugose-reticulate; cells with minute marginal puncta. Fl 8-9. Rock crevices and gravel, sometimes by melting snow, 2285-3650 m.

N. Iran, W. Iran. Ir.-Tur. element.

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