Dianthus crinitus

 Dianthus crinitus

Robust erect perennial, 19-32 cm. Leaves flat, 8 cm x 0,8-1,3 mm, linear, narrowed suddenly into an acute apex. Flowering shoot leaves shorter than the internodes, erect. Flowers solitary or stems freely branched and pediceIs at least 2 cm. Bracteoles 4-6, ovate, aristate to cuspidate, 1/3  calyx length. Calyx 25-40 x 3-5 mm, cylindrical, teeth 8,5-10,5 mm, linear-lanceolate, narrowed from just below the middle into a long acuminate to aristate apex. Margin finely ciliate. Petal limb 12-17 mm, fimbriate to more than ½ , white to pale pink, ebarbulate, claw exserted.
1. Calyx 20-25 mm, pedicels shorter than 20mm ..............var argaeus
1. Calyx 25-40 mm; pedicels at least 20 mm
     2. Stem more than 20 cm long, calyx 25-35 mm.......... var crinitus
     2. Stem 5-20 cm,  calyx 30-40 mm..............................var. crossopetalus
Distribution of species: Aegean, N.W. Africa, Caucasia, Turkestan, Iran.