Gypsophila venusta

Gypsophila venusta

 Kara çöven

Glabrous perennial with few ascending stems 50-100 cm, branched above. Leaves ± glaucous, lanceolate, acute to acuminate, 3-5-veined, 20-50 x 5-15 mm. Inflorescence many-flowered, large, paniculate-dichasial. Bracts lanceolate-acuminate, green with scarious margins. Pedicels capillary, 5-25 mm. Calyx turbinate-tubular, 3·5-5 mm, with large scarious intervals, teeth short, triangolar to semicircular, obtuse. Petals white to pink with reddish veins, 8-12mm, oblong-cuneate, truncate to retuse. Seeds with acute tubercles. Fl. 5-7. Steppe, cultivated land, fallow fields, 300-1600m.
Syrian Desert. Ir.-Tur. element.
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