Minuartia picta
Minuartia picta
Ergen tıstıs
Annual, 5-12 cm, glabrous to densely glandular-pubescent, often branching at the base. Stems erect or divergent, bearing leaves and axillary leaf-fascicles only in the lower ¼ - ½ Leaves 10-20 mm, setaceous, mucronate, those of the axillary fascicles equalling the stem leaves at flowering time. Inflorescence a lax 5-30-flowered dichasium; pedicels 8-15 mm, spreading, often becoming reflexed in fruit. Sepals 2-2,5 mm, ovate-orbicular, rounded at the apex. Petals oblong, clawed, truncate to emarginate, 1 ½ -2 x longer than the calyx, pink or with pink markings, occasionally white. Staminal glands 5, prominent, flap-like. Capsule ovoid, 1 ½ -2 x longer than the calyx. Fl. 2-4. Fields, steppe and semidesert, s.l.-1800 m.
S.W. Asia.