Myosoton aquaticum
Myosoton aquaticum
Perennial herb, 15-40 cm, erect. Upper parts glandular-pubescent. Leaves narrowly ovate, acute, the lowest often petiolate, the rest sessile. Inflorescence ± lax, 5-20-flowered, sometimes more, elongating in fruit, with foliaceous bracts. Sepals often without scarious margins, 5-7 mm in flower, increasing to 7-10 in fruit. Petals del;lply bifid, white, not exceeding the sepals. Styles 5. Capsule dehiscing into 5 bidentate valves. Fl. 5-7. Damp places, woods, nr. s.l.
Europe, Temperate Asia. Euro-Sib. element.