Paronychia echinulata


Paronychia echinulata


Kıyı kepekotu
Annual herb, stems 3-15 cm, ascending to erect, green or reddish. Leaves 3-7 x 1-2 mm, oblong-elliptic, reddish, shortly mucronate, margins papillose-denticulate.  Stipules lanceolate, shorter than leaves. Flower clusters 3-8 mm, few-flowered,  axillary. Bracts lanceolate, shorter than the flowers. Flowers 2-2,5 mm, perigynous zone turbinate with hooked hairs outside. Sepals oblong-spathulate, cucullate, awned, awns 0,75-1 mm, stout and straight, membranous margin narrower than the median coriaceous band. FI. 4-6. Coastal areas.
Coastal areas of S. Europe, Atlantic Islands, N.W. Africa & Lebanon. The only annual species in Turkey. Medit. element.
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