Scleranthus uncinatus

Scleranthus uncinatus

Annual or biennial with erect or ascending stems up to 12 cm. Leaves up to 11 mm. Inflorescence lax to fairly dense. Perigynous cup 1.2-1.8 mm in fruit, pubescent or puberulent. Sepals equalling or slightly exceeding the perigynous cup in fruit, spreading at 30-45°, tapering from base to acute apex, curved inwards to form a hook at the apex, with the scarious margin much narrower than the green central part. The whole flower 3-4.2 mm in fruit. Fl. & fr. 5-8. Open stony places, in turf or sometimes in coniferous woods, 1800-3200 m.

S. Europe from the Iberian peninsula to the Balkans, Caucasia, N. Iran.

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