Silene crassipes

Silene crassipes

 Tarla nakılı

Annual. Stems ascending to erect, branched, 10-45 cm, retrorsely puberulent. Lower leaves oblong-obovate, cuneate upper leaves oblong, sessile, all puberulent. Inflorescence a lax compound dichasium, the ultimate cymes dense, congested, the alar flower erect, ± sessile. Calyx 13-16 mm, ± tubular in flower, clavate in fruit, constricted below the capsule, shortly setose-papillose, especially on the nerves. Petals pink, limb entire or emarginate. Anthophore 4·5-7 mm, glabrous. Capsule ovoid, included in the calyx. Fl. 5. Cultivated land, 700-1600 m.
Greece, W. Syria, Syrian Desert.
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