Silene kotschyi

Silene microperma

 Subsp. microsperma: Deniz nakılı 

Syn: Silene kotschyi
Annual. Stems ascending or erect, often diffusely branched from the base, minutely papillose-puberulent below. Basal leaves forming a rosette, linear laneeolate to oblanceolate; cauline leaves linear-lanceolate. Inflorescence a widely branched compound cyme. Calyx 8-14 mm, puberulent, the teeth long acuminate, 1-nerved. Petals white or pink, without conspicuous venation. Filaments pilose, at least below. Anthophore 2·5-7 mm, as long as or longer than the ovoid-globose capsule.
Cyprus, W. Syria, Syrian Desert, N. Iraq.