Cuscuta campestris


Cuscuta campestris


Stems thin to medium, whitish or yellowish. Inflorescences globose, usually many-flowered'and dense, sometimes few-flowered and loose, 3-12 mm diam. Pedicels mostly shorter than flowers. Flowers 2-3 mm white, cream or partly reddish, smooth or glandular, 5-merous. Calyx almost as long as corolla tube, lobes ± overlapping, broadly ovate to orbicular, obtuse to acute, somewhat rigid or carinate; tube campanulate, almost as long as lobes. Corolla lobes shorter than to ± as long as campanulate tube, suberect then patent to recurved, triangular, acute and often inflexed at apex. Stamens generally a little shorter than corolla lobes; anthers shorter than to almost as long as subulate filaments. Scales reaching stamens, ovate or oblong-ovate, entire, abundantly fimbriate. Styles c. t as long as capsule, slender, suberect to divaricate, stigmas subcapitate, together almost as long as ovary. Capsule 2,3 mm long, depressed-globos'e, dehiscing irregularly. Seeds 1-1,5 mm, 2-4 per capsule. Fl. 6-10. On many herbaceous cultivated and weedy plants, usually in irrigated fields and gardens, 100-1500m.
Native to N. America, but now almost cosmopolitan. 
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