Cuscuta planiflora


Cuscuta planiflora


Stems thin, reddish. Tnflorescences 3-6 mm diam., few- to many-flowered, globose, dense. Flowers 1,5-2,5 mm, sessile, mostly white, fleshy, generally 5-merous. Calyx mostly exceeding corolla tube, lobes longer than tube, oblonglanceolate to ovate or triangular, acute or subacute, fleshy, ± turgid at apex. Corolla lobes shorter than to almost as long as globose-cylindrical tube, lanceolate- triangular to subovate, acute or subacute, ± fleshy-thickened towards apex, patent. Anthers small, exceeding tube, ± as long as or somewhat shorter than filaments. Scales reaching stamens, simple, or infrequently obsoletely bifid, oblong-obovate, ± shortly fimbriate around obtuse apex. Stigmas shorter than to ± as long as slender styles, together somewhat longer than ovary. Capsule 1,1-1,5 mm, depressed-globose, sometimes subglobose. Seeds 0,7-0,9 mm, irregularly ovoid or oblong-angular to irregularly ovoid or subglobose, scabrous-granular. Fl. 4-7. On various annual and perennial herbs, also on dwarf shrubs of low-shrub formations,  fallow fields and steppe, nr s.l.-1675 m.
S. Europe, Canary Islands, N. Africa, W. Syria, N. Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan.
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