Rosularia blepharophylla

Rosularia blepharophylla

Dicle koruğu

Caudex to 8 mm diam, Rosette semi-globular or with ± erect leaves, 2-4 cm diam.; offsets many, sessile or subsessile. Leaves oblong, 20-30 mm long; apex rounded or truncate; lamina glabrous or with scattered short glandular hairs, margin ciliate. Inflorescence a paniculate thyrse with predominantly helicoid branches, 10-35-flowered, always lateral, 1-4 per rosette, 8-15 cm high; axis glabrous at base, glandular-hairy in upper 1/2; basal 1/2-2/3 imbricately leafy. Flowers 5-merous, broadly campanulate, densely long glandular-hairy and slightly viscid outside; pedicels 0.5-3 mm. Calyx 5-6 mm, lobes triangular, subacute. Petals 10-12 mm, white with greenish venation, scattered short glandular hairy inside; apex mucronate or shortly aristate, Filaments basally 2/5 adnate to petals; anthers pale yellow. Scales ± quadratic or half-circular, 0.5-0.7 mm broad, yellowish. Follicles 5-6 mm, strongly glandular-hairy along ventral suture; styles 0.8-1.2 rnm; stigmas capitate. Seeds pale ochre-brownish, shiny. Fl. 5-6, in cracks oflimestone outcrops, c. 810 m.

Endemic. Ir.-Tur. element.

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