Sedum gracile


Sedum gracile


Ascending caespitose glabrous perennial with creeping caudiculi and ascending sterile shoots; flowering stems 5-10 cm. Leaves linear-oblong, terete, glabrous, spurred, alternate and densely imbricate. Inflorescence a lax, 2-4-branched, 5-15-flowered cyme. Flowers 5-merous, subsessile; sepals c. 2 mm, obtuse; petals c. 4 mm, white with greenish mid-vein; stamens 10, anthers blackish; follicles erect or erecto-patent, glabrous. Fl. 6-8. Pinus sylvestris forest, rocky ledges, 1850-3500 m.
Caucasia, N. Iran. Hyrcano-Euxine element
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