Bryonia aspera

Bryonia aspera

Şeytan şalgamı

Stems almost glabrous to densely glandular, sometimes spiculate, sometimes glaucous. Leaves broadly ovate-cordate or pentagonal, 3,5-12 x 3-15,5 cm, shallowly to deeply 5-7-lobed, the lobes broadly triangular to ovate, coarsely sinuate-toothed or ± deeply 3-lobulate, sometimes sharply so. Petioles glabrous or ± spiculate, often glandular, sometimes glaucous, 1-9 cm. Male racemes 5-13,5 cm, almost glabrous to densely glandular, sometimes also with fine crisped hairs; sepals triangular-dentiform, 1,5-1,8 mm; petals 5-6 x 3-3,3 mm. Female inflorescences racemose, corymbose or subumbelliform, equalling or shorter than male; sepals dentiform, 0,7-2,5 mm; petals 1,7-5 x 0,6-1,5 mm. Stigmas prominent, coarsely hairy. Fruits black, sometimes slightly glandular, 8 mm. Seeds 4,5-6 x 2-3,7 x 1,5-2 mm. FI. 6-7. In hedges and scrub, 900-2200 m.

Caucasus, N.W., N. & N.E. Iran, N. Afghanistan, N. of W. Pakistan, N.W. India.

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