Carex acuta

Carex acuta


Caespitose to laxly tufted with long, stout rhizomes covered with brownish scales. Stems 50-120 cm, sharply trigonous, scabrid at least above, erect or slightly nodding above; basal sheaths usually with lamina, not keeled, pale yellowish-brown to dark red-brown, dull, usually transversely septate, margins entire, older remnants not fibrous. Leaves 4-10 mm broad, equalling stems or longer, rather dark green, plicate, margins revolute when dry, minutely papillose beneath, scabrid at margins and on main veins. Male spikes 2-4, usually aggregated, 20-50 mm, narrowly cylindrical. Female spikes 2-5, overlapping or lowest somewhat distant, 30-110 mm, cylindrical, subsessile or lowest shortly pedunculate, erect or often nodding; lowest bract often as broad as leaves, equalling or often longer than inflorescence. Female glumes ovateoblong to lanceolate, narrower and shorter or longer than utricles, obtuse to acute or sometimes acuminate; mid-vein usually distinct, ± greenish. Utricles green at first, later pale brownish-green, often somewhat purplish above, elliptic to broadly ovate, 2-3.5 mm, biconvex, papillose above, sometimes shortly stipitate, veins usually slender but distinct; beak short but distinct, to 0.5 mm, ± truncate. Margins of lakes and streams, sometimes in shallow water, wet meadows, often forming pure stands, 10-2450 m.

Most of Europe, but rare in S., Crimea, Balkans, N.W. Africa, Lebanon, Syria, Caucasia, W. Siberia. Euro-Sib. element.

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