Carex pallescens


Carex pallescens


Stems 15-70 cm, erect, scabrid above to almost smooth, sometimes with scattered hairs; basal sheaths brown or reddish-brown, sometimes reticulate-fibrous. Leaves 2-5 mm broad, shorter than stems, mid-green, rather soft, flat or often keeled, usually hairy beneath or along margins or at least on sheaths; inner surface of sheath hyaline, often purple-spotted. Male spike rather short, c. 1.5 cm, often concealed by female spikes, glumes pale brown. Female spikes 2-3, approximate or lowest remote, 5-20 mm, subglobose, ovoid or shortly cylindrical, dense, suberect or lowest nodding; peduncles from short brownish sheaths, smooth, lowest often longer than spike; lowest bract usually exceeding inflorescence, often undulate at base, with short sheath. Female glumes pale to reddish-brown or hyaline with broad greenish midrib, ovate to lanceolate, acuminate, shorter than to almost as long as or occasionally longer than utricles. Utricles pale brownish-green to mid-green or emerald-green, oblong-ellipsoid, 2.8-3.8 mm, obtuse to almost truncate, almost terete, with many faint veins, glabrous, shiny, not or weakly beaked.
1. Female glumes pale greenish-hyaline, shorter than utricles; utricles pale brownish-green var. pallescens
1. Female glumes reddish-brown, often as long as utricles; utricles bright emerald-green var. chalcodeta
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