Eleocharis mitracarpa


Eleocharis mitracarpa


Rhizomatous perennial. Stems erect, to 55 cm, flat or subterete, green or greenish-glaucous, with 12-16 vascular bundles. Uppermost leaf sheath almost transversely truncate. Leaf sheaths and stem bases often reddish-purple. Spikelet many-flowered, stramineous to dark brown, glumes with broad hyaline margin. Two lowest glumes sterile, each half-encircling base of spikelet. Perianth bristles 4, shorter or as long as nut. Stamens 3, stigmas 2. Nut obovoid, biconvex, lenticular, finely punctate, yellowish to brown, stylopodium swollen, mitriform, constricted at junction with nut, as broad as, or broader than long. Fl. 4-9. River valleys, calcareous lakes and pools, freshwater and brackish marshes, wet meadows, swampy places, edge of irrigation ditches and channels, polluted dykes, nr s.l.-2400 m.
S. Russia, Caucasia, Iran.
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