Eriophorum angustifolium


Eriophorum angustifolium


Ssp angustifolium: Fukarasaçı
Plant rhizomatous. Stems 15-70 cm, trigonousonly at apex. Leaves 2-5 mm broad, canaliculate, apex gradually attenuate. Lamina of upper cauline leaf usually at least 1.5 x as long as ± inflated sheath. Spikelets 3-7, ± nodding. Peduncles .smooth. Bracts 1-2, shortly sheathing and ± equalling spikelet. Lower glume ovate-lanceolate, upper lanceolate, l-veined; margins broadly hyaline. Perianth bristles 40-50 mm, white, apex entire . Anthers 2.5-5 mm, Nut 1-3 x 0.75-1 mm, obovoid, dark brown. 
Europe , Arctic, Siberia, N. America.
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