Euphorbia oblongifolia
Euphorbia oblongifolia
Pubescent or subglabrous rhizomatous perennial to 85 cm, stems somewhat scaly at base. Cauline leaves with a petiole to 1 cm, broadly ovate-lanceolate or -oblanceolate to ovate, 5-10 x 1-4 cm, apex obtuse to subacute, margin entire, base rounded, truncate or shallowly cordate. Ray-leaves elliptic-ovate, much smaller than cauline leaves. Raylet-leaf 'cups' 2-3 cm across. Rays 4-9, once or twice dichotomous; axillary rays 6-13. Glands long- horned. Fruit trilobate, 5 mm diam., smooth to granulate. Seeds ovoid, 2.5 mm, smooth, dark grey, caruncle small, patelliform. Fl. 5-8. Fagus and Picea forests, rocky igneous and limestone slopes and screes and alpine meadows, 1200-2800 m.
Caucasia; recently reported from Moldavia. Euxine element.