Astragalus antalyensis

Astragalus antalyensis

Şişik geven

Plants ca. 30 cm tall, subacaulescent, completely glabrous. Caudex strongly divided, with many short, subterranean branches. Stems up to 4 cm long, angular-sulcate. Stipules whitish, 9-15 mm long, narrowly ovate, acutish, adnate to the petiole for 3-7 mm. Leaves 1 1-27 cm long; petiole 3-9 cm long, like the rachis finely striate. Leaflets in 7-15 pairs, ovate to elliptic, widely rounded and minutely mucronulate at the apex, 5-11 x 3-7 mm. Peduncles 1-2 cm long. Racemes loosely several-flowered. Bracts whitish, narrowly triangular to linear-acute, 2- 5 mm long. Pedicels 7-10 mm long, often tortuous. Calyx shortly tubular, ca. 10 mm long; teeth subulate, 2-3 mm long. Petals yellow. Standard 20 mm long; blades obovate, ca. 9 mm wide, widely emarginate at the apex, at the base gradually narrowed into the cuneate claw. Wings 18 mm long; blades narrowly oblong, rounded at the apex, 9x3 mm; auricle ca. 1 mm long, claw 9 mm long. Keel 14 mm long; blades triangular, with rectangularly curved lower edge and nearly straight upper edge, subobtuse at the apex, 6x4 mm; auricle short, claw 8 mm long. Staminal-tube straightly cut. Ovary subsessile, elliptic; style below the stigma with a line of short spreading hairlets. Pods subsessile, obliquely elliptic seen from the side, 10-15 mm long, 5-5.5 mm high and ca. 3 mm wide, strongly carinate ventrally, slightly grooved dorsally, attenuate at the apex into beak 2-3 mm long; valves straw-colored, thin. Fruits nearly completely bilocular with 3-4 seeds in each locule. In habit, bareness and the pilose style below the stigma near to A. aegobromus Boiss. & Hohen., but differing strongly by the stipules not connate one to another, the whitish, narrow bracts and the laterally compressed, thin-walled fruits.


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