Astragalus aureus

Astragalus aureus

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Dwarf cushion-forming shrub, up to 25 cm. Leaf rachis spiny, 1-6 cm, straight, white-hairy or glabrescent, breaking off completely with age leaving bare woody stems. Leaflets 5-10 mm, linear-elliptic, often folded, mucronate, both surfaces glabrescent or sparsely white, spreading simple-hairy, usually glabrescent when mature, 4-6-paired. Stipules c. 10 mm, triangular-lanceolate, white-ciliate, united to more than halfway, sometimes purple-tipped. Inflorescence globose, 10-20-flowered. Bracts 5-12 mm, linear-lanceolate to ovate, usually navicular, glabrous, sometimes purple-tipped. Bracteoles absent. Calyx tubular, 8-13 mm, white-pilose, tube 3-5 mm; teeth setaceous. Corolla bright yellow; standard 15-20 mm, platonychioid, usually retuse. Legume unknown. Fl. 7-8. Stony slopes, 2150-3300 m.
Iran, Caucasia, Ir.-Tur. element.
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