Astragalus gummifer

Astragalus gummifer

Sakızlı geven

Low umbraciform shrub, up to 30 em. Leaf rachis spiny, 2-5 cm, straight, glabrous or sparsely pubescent. Leaflets 5-8 mm, elliptic, usually mucronate, glabrescent, 4-7-paired. Stipules 7-9 mm, triangular-ovate, glabrous or white-hairy. Flowers 2-3 per leaf axil, in lax, ovoid to oblong, 8-20-flowered  inflorescences. Bracts 4-6 mm, ovate-orbicular, navicular, bilobed, glabrous or white-hairy. Bracteoles absent. Calyx 5-7 mm, white-pilose to the base; calyx lobes divided almost to the base. Standard 10-12 mm; platonychioid. Legume unknown. FI. 6-8. Forests, pastures, steppe, hill slopes; 1300-1800 m.
Lebanon. Ir.-Tur. element.  
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