Astragalus hamosus
Astragalus hamosus
Erect, ascending or prostrate annual up to 50 cm; stems with adpressed bifurcate hairs. Leaves 3-10 cm; leaflets 6-18 mm, oblong to obovate, retuse, glabrous above, with adpressed bifurcate hairs below, 7-14-paired; stipules 5-7 mm, triangular-ovate, white-hairy. Flowers in dense 5-10-flowered spikes of subsessile flowers. Bracts 3-4 mm, linear, black- and white-hairy. Calyx 6-8 mm, tubular-campanulate, with adpressed black and white bifurcate hairs; teeth 3 mm. Corolla white or pale yellow; standard 8-10 mm. Legumes 30-60 x 2,5-3 mm, linear, ±falcate, smooth, glabrescent or with minute white adpressed hairs. Fl. 3-7. Fields, roadsides etc., s.l.-1300 m.
Mediterranean area, S. Russia, Crimea, Caucasus, Syrian Desert, N. & N.W. ,Iran, Arabia.