Astragalus onobrychis

Astragalus onobrychis

Korunga geveni

Syn: A.atrocarpus,A.chaldiranicus,A.goktschaicus,A.kitianus
Erect, caulescent, perennial herb, 25-40 cm, with a branched woody caudex; stems 15-40 cm. Leaves 6-10 cm; leaflets 10-18 mm, narrowly elliptic, sparsely adpressed-bifurcate-pilose, 8-9-paired; stipules c. 3 mm, triangular, free. Peduncles 7-20 cm. Inflorescence 2-3 x c. 2 cm, a dense, globose to oblong, 10-20-flowered spike, sometimes elongating in fruit. Bracts c. 2 mm, lanceolate. Calyx 6-8 mm, campanulate, adpressed black and white bifurcate-pilose; teeth 2-4 mm, triangular to linear. Corolla entirely purple; standard 17-25 mm, glabrous. Legume 8-10 xc. 3 mm, oblong-ovoid, adpressed white, bifurcate-strigillose, erecto-patent; beak c. 2 mm, curved. Fl. 5-7. Alpine meadows, igneous scree, steppe, etc., 975-2400 m.
C. & S. Europe, S. Russia, Crimea, S. Caucasia. 
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