Astragalus siliquosus

Astragalus siliquosus

Ssp siliquosus: Hacı geven

Erect, glabrous, caulescent perennial, 30-60 cm. Leaves 8-13 cm; leaflets 12-22 mm, oblong, apex rounded, apiculate to retuse, glabrous except for a few white spreading simple hairs on the underside of the leaflet midrib, 8-16-paired; stipules c. 6 mm, lanceolate, united to the petiole. Peduncles 7-10 cm. Flowers shortly pedicellate, in lax 25-35-flowered racemes. Bracts c. 3 mm, narrowly ovate. Calyx 8-10 mm, tubular, sparsely adpressed pubescent with black, simple and bifurcate hairs, sometimes with a few white longer simple hairs; teeth 1-2 mm, narrowly triangular. Corolla yellow to pale violet; standard 17-20 mm. Legume 30-35 x 3 mm, cylindrical, straight or slightly curved, spotted, velutinous at first, becoming glabrous, pendulous; beak c. 2 mm. Fl. 5-6. Steppe, pastures, shaley banks, 1600-2250 m.

N. & W. Iran. Ir.-Tur. element.