Astragalus vexillaris

Astragalus vexillaris

Bayrak geveni

Erect or procumbent, caulescent perennial; stems to c. 25 cm. Leaves 7-12 cm; leaflets 8-10 mm, oblong, obtuse or retuse, glabrous above, bearing white, spreading, simple hairs beneath, 12-20-paired; stipules 3-10 mm, narrowly triangular, scarcely joined. Peduncles 5-14 cm. Inflorescence a dense, ovate, 10-20 flowered spike. Bracts 4-8 mm, lanceolate. Calyx 9-14 mm, tubular, black and white, spreading, simple-hairy; teeth 4-5 mm, subulate. Corolla white or yellow; standard 25-40 mm, retuse. Young legume semi-ovate, laterally compressed, bearing long, white spreading hairs, mucronate. Fl. 5-6. Fallow fields, 450-1500 m.
Endemic; Ir.-Tur. element. 
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