Cicer incisum
Cicer incisum
Diş nohutu
Prostrate alpine perennial, with slender stems and subterranean caudiculi. Leaves short, not bearing tendrils; leaflets conferted, 3-7, cuneate, 3-7 x 1-4 mm, incised in the upper half, pilose with glandular and eglandular hairs. Stipules incised or dentate. Peduncle and pedicel longer than the leaves; awn up to 1mm or obsolescent. Flowers usually solitary , 7-10 mm, mauvish-pink to crimson. Calyx subgibbous. Legume ellipsoid, 10-12 mm, glandular-pubescent. Seeds 1, minutely tuberculate. Fl. 7-8. Screes, 1450-2740 m.
S. Greece, Crete, Lebanon, Hermon. Local variation in habit and leaf shape is often obscured by environmental modification.