Cicer montbretii
Cicer montbretii
Deli nohut
Erect perennial, 40-45 cm. Leaves imparipinnate; leaflets 7-9-paired, ovate-oblong to oblong , 10-24 x 4-10 mm, herbaceous, serrate, rounded at base, shaggy with long glandular hairs. Stipules incised-dentate. Peduncle 1-3-flowered; awn 2-12 mm, subulate to linear-spathulate. Bracts entire, c. 1 mm. Flowers 20-25 mm, whitish with violet-tipped keel. Calyx strongly gibbous, 13-14 mm. Legume c. 30 mm, oblong, glandular-villous. Seeds 3-4, obscurely warty. Fl. 4-6. Hillsides, Pinus nigra forest, rocky places and near water, nr. s.I.-1200 m.
Albania, Bulgaria. E. Medit. element.