Ebenus barbigera
Ebenus barbigera
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Plant 10-30 cm, ± silky-pubescent with adpressed to subadpressed hairs. Leaves with 3-4 pairs of leaflets; leaflets lanceolate to linear-lanceolate, often folded, cuspidate to shortly acuminate, 5-15 x 2-5 mm. Peduncles 4-10 cm. Flowers in ovate to oblong heads, 2,5-6 x 2-3,5 cm. Outer bracts ovate to lanceolate, acuminate. Calyx longer than corolla, 12-15 mm, teeth subequal. Corolla 9-12 mm, purple, keel long-bearded, the other petals glabrous. Fl. 5-8. Limestone rocks and slopes, 300-2100 m.
Endemic; E. Medit. element.