Hedysarum cappadocicum
Hedysarum cappadocicum
Tatlı tırfıl
Stems absent or very short. Leaves with 3-5 pairs of ovate-elliptic leaflets, varying from 5 x 5 mm to 15 x 8 mm, with a dense sericeous indumentum on both surfaces; stipules brown, scarious. Scapes procumbent-ascending, 5-14 cm, longer than leaves. Inflorescence capitate or an elongated raceme, few to many-flowered. Calyx 15-17 mm with subequal teeth up to 5 x length of tube. Corolla crimson, pink, purple or yellowish; standard 12-17 mm; wings 6-9 mm; keel 12-15 mm, equal to or longer than standard. Ovary glabrous or with a few short hairs. Lomentum with 3-segments, canescent, rugose. Fl. 5-8. Sandstone and limestone rocky slopes in steppe, mountain slopes and screes, 800-3500m.
Endemic; Ir.-Tur. element.