Hedysarum kotschyi


Hedysarum kotschyi


Sarı batalak
Stems ascending or erect, branched above, c. 30 cm. Leaves with 4-6 pairs of oblong-elliptic leaflets, c. 12 x 6 mm, greenish and ± glabrous above, greyish-white below with a sericeous indumentum; stipules narrow, reddish-brown, scarious. Peduncles clearly longer than leaves. Racemes ± dense, oblong, elongating in fruit. Calyx c. 4 mm with subequal teeth equal to or longer than tube. Corolla cream or white; standard 8-13 mm; wings 6-9 mm; keel 8-13 mm. Ovary glabrous or with a few long scattered hairs. Lomentum with 1-2 ovate-orbicular segments, 12-16 x 8 mm, pubescent and with a dense covering of setae up to 8 mm long. Fl. 5. Limestone steppe, c. 900 m.
N. Iraq. Ir.-Tur. element. 
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