Hedysarum nitidum


Hedysarum nitidum


Köse batalak
Stems procumbent or ascending, 20-40 cm, branched above, with an adpressed sericeous indumentum. Leaves with 4-6 pairs of elliptic leaflets, 8-20 mm long, sericeous on both surfaces, usually denser below; stipules connate, scarious. Peduncles shorter than leaves. Inflorescence ± dense, oblong, scarcely elongating in fruit. Calyx 5-7 mm long with subequal teeth longer than tube. Corolla sulphur yellow, ± persisting in fruit; standard 18-22 mm; wings 17-21 mm; keel 14-17 mm. Ovary glabrous. Lomentum up to 18 mm long with 2-3 segments, c. 5x5 mm, rugose, pubescent, with or without short bristles. Fl. 6-7. Rocky limestone and igneous slopes, sandy places, 1200-2475 m.
Endemic; Ir.-Tur. element. 
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