Hedysarum pannosum

Hedysarum pannosum

Keçeli batalak

Stems erect, up to 30 cm. Leaves mostly basal with 3-9 pairs of ovate to elliptic leaflets with a pannose indumentum on both surfaces; stipules broad-triangular, c. 3 mm. Peduncles sturdy, much longer than leaves. Calyx 4-5 mm with subequal teeth ± same length as tube. Corolla yellow; standard 10-14 mm; wings 7-9 mm; keel 10-15 mm. Ovary glabrous or pilose. Lomentum with 1-2 elliptic-ovate tomentose segments, densely covered with long setae. Fl. 5-6.

Syrian Desert. Ir.-Tur. element.


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