Hedysarum pogonocarpum

Hedysarum pogonocarpum

Taş batalağı

Stems ascending, 15-25 cm, arising from a woody rootstock. Leaves with 6-9 pairs of oblong-elliptic leaflets up to 10 x 4 mm with a spreading tomentose indumentum on both surfaces; stipules scarious, 2.5-3 mm. Peduncles longer than leaves. Inflorescence an oblong spike slightly elongating in fruit. Calyx c. 4,5 mm with unequal teeth 2-3 x longer than tube. Corolla pale yellow; standard c. 9 mm; wings c. 4 mm; keel c. 14 mm. Ovary glabrous or with a few long hairs. Lomentum with 1-2 elliptic tomentose segments c. 8 mm long, pubescent and densely covered with long brownish setae up to 10 mm. FI. 4-6. Rocky limestone and igneous slopes, 750-1700 m.


Ulaş- Sivas
  • 463
  • 2
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Ulaş- Sivas
  • 448
  • 1
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Ulaş- Sivas
  • 444
  • 1
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