Hedysarum singarense

Hedysarum singarense

Perennial, caulescent, stem numerous, erect, unbranched or rarely branched below, 15-45 cm, striate, all vegetative parts densely silky hairy to tomentose, woody at the base. Stipules ovat-deltoid, acuminate, 5-7 mm, connate below c. 2-3 mm, brownish, membraneus, upper stipules small 2-3 mm ovat to lanceolate. Leaves imparipinnat, 7-15 cm, the upper leaves shorter, to 2-5 cm; lower petioles 2-4 cm; leaflets 4-6 pairs, obovat to ovate, apex mucronate, 10-24 x 6-14 mm, adpressed densely silvery tomentose or tomentose below, somewhat less hairy and greener upper surface; petiolate 1-1.5 mm, terminal leaflets larger than lateral, 2-4 mm; upper leaflets smaller to 5-9x 3-6 mm. Inflorescence narrow, cylindric, densely flowered, peduncle 5-22 cm, elongating in fruit, densely silvery tomentose. Pedicel 2- 3 mm in fruit. Bracts subulate, 2-4 mm, adpressed hairy, caducous; bracteoles similar, very small, 1-2 mm. Flowers 12-13 mm. Calyx 4-5 mm, campanulate, slightly oblique, tube 1.5-2mm, teeth subequal, about equalling or slightly longer than tube, inner part white pannose hairy, ovat or lanceolate, the lower teeth linear-lanceolat, 2-3 mm, upper teeth, ovate, acuminat, 2mm. Corolla pink, yellow spotted half below of standart; standart obovat, 7-10 x 5-6 mm, 3-4 mm shorter than keel, apex slightly emarginate, shortly clawed, 1-1.5 mm; wings oblong-ovat, 5-6 x 2 mm, apex obtuse, shortly clawed, c. 1 mm; keel deltoid, 11-13 x 4-5.5 mm, apex truncate claw2.5-3.5 mm. Andrekeum oblique, 14-16 mm, staminal tube 10-12 mm, free filament 2-3 mm, vexillar stamen 9-10 mm. Style 11-12 mm. Legumen with 1  lomentum, lomentum asimetrically rhomboid-broadly ovat, 12-15 x 9-11 mm densely tomentose and with numerous red or violet setae, 10-11 mm long.


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