Lathyrus annuus
Lathyrus annuus
Scrambling annual, 20-100 cm, glabrous, green. Stem winged. Median and upper leaves with mostly 3-5-sect tendrils; leaflets 1-paired, linear-Ianceolate or linear, 60-140 x 2-12 mm; stipules subulate, semi-sagittate. Peduncles 1-6- flowered, sometimes gland-dotted, ½ as long to as long as the leaves. Calyx 5-7 mm; teeth triangular-Ianceolate acuminate, patent in fruit, the lowest tooth slightly longer than the upper pair and usually a little longer than the tube. Corolla soft yellow to orange, 12-15 mm. Legume linear-oblong, 50-70 x 9-11 mm, upper suture canaliculate, valves dotted with sessile glands; style 4-5 mm. Seeds 6-8, coarsely tuberculate. Scrub, hedges, water-meadows, among rocks, fields, s.l.-1000 m.
Mediterranean area, Syrian Desert, N. Iraq, Soviet Azerbaijan, N. Iran, C. Asia. Medit. element. L. chius is only a large-flowered variant of L. annuus.